One woman's search for the lovely things in life.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Fall Cleaning and Clothing Switch

  I've been slowly working on my seasonal cleaning over the last couple of days.  There is something about doing this that just makes me feel more prepared for the holidays.  Now, anyone who knows me knows that I really hate cleaning, but I love organizing.  Not that I am methodical about either one!!  But this is the year I swore I would start changing some of my habits.  I was going to get more organized, start a regular weekly cleaning schedule, etc,etc.  I've made some progress over the course of the year, notably unpacking the majority of the boxes left over from last year's move. So now, with the holidays fast approaching, it is time to get this place under control.

  I've been taking it in small bites, doing one or two major tasks each day.  Today it was time to tackle the master bedroom.  The spring and summer clothes were switched out for fall/winter clothes, summer shoes packed away for the winter and some general organizing done.  I should mention here that I have discovered that my husband has twice as much clothing as I do and most of it doesn't even fit him!!  Methinks that we will have to do a donation run to our local thrift store before the winter is over.  One of the habits I am trying to change is our inclination to never get rid of clothing.  We keep it in boxes in the basement, in drawers and hidden in the back of closets.  We both have lost weight over the last few years, yet we are still clinging to the clothes of the past.  There is probably a good psychological reason for this particular quirk and I am sure we are not alone.   So I have quietly made some new house rules for clothing, they are as follows:

1.  If you haven't worn it at least once in the past two years it should probably go.  Special occasion clothing is exempt from this rule providing it meets the requirements for the following rules.

2.  If it is two sizes or more too big (or small)  for you it should go.  The exception is if it is an 'investment piece' and therefore worth having it tailored to fit.

3.  If it still fits but is out of date to the point where you wouldn't wear it in public, it should go.

4.  Clothing that is stained beyond help or worn out should either go, become cleaning rags, be relegated to the "clothes for painting/working" department or be made into something new.

  Now they are out there, in print, for all to see.  Hopefully I will be able to stick with them and our lives will get along just fine without all the extra 'weight' filling up our home.  Do you have your own rules for keeping the clothing monster under control in your home?  Any tips and tricks for switching out clothing for the different seasons?

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